Recipe: Berry Fizz

What could more fabulous than muddled fruits and fizzy water? Add a touch of your favorite natural sweetener if you wish. You can mash/muddle the berries on the bottom of the glass with a pestle or fork. It is quite fun actually!

Berry Fizz Italian Soda
 a handful of your favorite Fresh Berries (I like raspberries, blueberries and blackberries)
 Sweetener of choice, if needed (I like Plain Stevia Drops
 6-8 ounces Carbonated Soda Water
 garnish with Fresh Mint
Berry Fizz Cocktail
 same ingredients as above
 2 ounces Light Rum, Vodka, Gin or your favorite spirit


Muddle berries in the bottom of a tall glass with a fork or pestle. Add sweetener & carbonated water. For an adult cocktail add spirits. Stir gently to combine. Top with a sprig of fresh mint and some more fresh berries.