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Creamy Toasted Sesame Salad Dressing & Dip

 1/2 cup Toasted Sesame Oil
 1/4 cup Mayonnaise (vegan or regular)
 2 tablespoons Soy Sauce or Tamari (wheat free)
 1 tablespoon Honey
 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
 1 teaspoon Fish Sauce
 2 teaspoons Sriracha Hot Sauce
 2 tablespoons diced Chives (fresh or dried)
 1/4 cup Toasted Sesame Seeds
 Garlic Salt & Black Pepper to taste

Whisk all ingredients together. Adjust any ingredients to taste. Refrigerate & use within a week.


Toasted Sesame Seeds


Place raw sesame seeds in a fry pan. Heat over medium high heat. Seeds will start to become fragrant. Stir frequently until you achieve the color you desire. Lower temperature if seeds start to burn. Watch carefully! Remove from pan & let cool.