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Norwegian Salmon Gravlax with Dill Mustard Sauce

Yields1 ServingPrep Time10 mins

There are a few very wonderful things about my job as a food and lifestyle blogger. Not only do I get to develop amazing healthy recipes that fuel us with sustainable energy. I also get to take pretty pictures of it.

Another bonus? I get connected with food adventurers and connoisseurs around the globe. Recently I was contacted by the folks at salmon from Norway. If you have been visiting here for a while you would know that salmon is my all time favorite lean protein. When 7 pounds of the freshest Norwegian Salmon arrived at our door life became even more *blissful*

So what’s a girl to do with all of this gorgeous pink fleshed fish. Make gravlax!

 '--Gravlax Salmon
 1 approximately 2 pound Salmon fillet, skin on
 3 tablespoons Sea Salt
 2 tablespoons organic Sucanat
 1 tablespoon Smoked Paprika
 1 tablespoon coarsely ground Black Pepper
 1 bunch Dill, coarsely chopped
Dill Mustard Sauce
 2 ounces (1/4 cup) Dijon Mustard
 2 ounces (1/4 cup) Olive Oil
 2 ounces (1/4 cup) light Sour Cream
 1 tablespoon White Wine Vinegar
 dash of cracked Black Pepper
 3 tablespoons chopped fresh Dill
 Maple Syrup, Honey or Stevia to taste

'--Gravlax Salmon


Trim salmon fillets. Scrape the skin well and remove all bones (if any).


Blend salt, sucanat, smoked paprika and pepper. Sprinkle half of the salt mixture in the bottom of a roasting pan, then sprinkle half of the dill over and place the fillet in the pan skin side down.


Press the remaining salt mixture and dill on the flesh side of the fillet, using light pressure.


Put fish in the refrigerator wrapped tightly in plastic wrap for 3-4 days. Turn it every day. Scrape seasoning and dill from the fillets before serving.

Dill Mustard Sauce

Whisk together all ingredients adding dill and then the sweetener last. Taste and adjust seasonings according to preference.

Nutrition Facts

0 servings

Serving size

10 Servings Salmon 8 Servings Sauce