Do you ever feel the need to step out of your comfort zone? The need to feed your wanderlust passions? The WANT to learn new things with great people in splendid locations?
Perfect. Done. I have the answer for you. My awesome pal, the lovely Miss Georgia Pellegrini has exactly what you have been looking for:
Two words that could change your life forever. (BTW: Next trip is Montana, September 20-22, 2013…I’ll be there)
Yours truly went on Georgia’s premier Girl Hunter weekend 2 years ago. It was the first time I ever shot a gun (crazy & hilarious.) It was a jam packed weekend filled with the great outdoors, delicious food, lots of laughs & gal pal bonding time.
Guess what? See this upcycled necklace?
One of my all time favorite pieces….Georgia loves hers too. To jazz you up about G’s getaways we are giving away one of these very same necklaces to you!
Scroll down for the deets…but not before you read more about G’s fab excursions.
I loved Girl Hunter weekend soooooo much that I am all signed up and ready to rumble for her Montana Trip late September. Wanna join us?
Oh, I sure hope you do. Besides…..if you sign up with a friend you get the 3rd night free! (I can be your friend)
*Shotgun held to high there. Hmmmm.
These trips are meant to take you out of your comfort zone….but at the same time there is absolutely no pressure to participate in an activity that might not suit you.
Part of the adventure is in how surprised you will be with yourself.
Some of Georgia’s trips are for Girls Only. Others are for couples and some are a mixed bunch.
You choose the trip that is right for you. Georgia can customize trips for Bachelorette parties & you can choose if you want a more rugged or refined experience.
Getaways are filled with all kinds of outdoor adventures…each one different & unique.
You might find yourself: fly fishing, hunting, shooting clays, roasting marshmallows, drinking wine / bourbon (or whatever cocktail you prefer), hiking and relaxing in a bubble bath.
There is a trip for every adventure seeking soul.
I will be on many….I would LOVE to meet you & adventure with you!
Want more info? (Sign up early as these trips fill up quickly!)
This giveaway is now over congrats to Jessica Z!
Details YOU can enter to win this groovy upcycled shot casing necklace! Check out the amazing Etsy store Key of A. I bet you will love the collection.
Dates Giveaway will run until Wednesday, July 31st, 2013.
Enter You can enter up to (6) times following the steps below. Leave a separate comment per entry please.
- Visit Georgia’s Adventure Getaways page & tell me which trip you wanna go on.
- Become a pal on the Marla Meridith Lifestyle Facebook Page
- Follow me on Pinterest
- Follow me on Twitter
- Follow me on Google+
- Follow Georgia’s adventures on Facebook
That first Girl Hunter weekend was definitely one to remember. And I recall quite clearly the words that came out of your mouth when you first shot a gun.
I hope you have a great time in September!
What a unique and fun giveaway, Marla! I think her food and wine pairing getaway sounds perfect!
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Oh, what a wonderful experience! A fun getaway.
What a fun getaway! I think I could totally get on board with those fun activities! Great giveaway, too!
following you on twitter now!
wow this looks like a ton of fun! this is so different from any other giveaway!
I’m so excited to have you on the next trip Marla! It’s going to be sooo much fun… did I mention there will be falconry? ; ) xx
Montana would have to be my choice. I’ve thought about doing this, just haven’t been able to talk myself into spending the money……..yet:)
The Septemeber 20-22 Belt Montana would be my top choice! Sounds amazing and I love the option of horseback riding!!
I am a pal on Marla Meredith’s Lifestyle Facebook Page!
Congrats Jessica….you are the winner. Enjoy your necklace!
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I follow Marla Meridith on Google+ and just realized I spelled Meridith wrong in one of my previous entries :/
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awesome giveaway girl!
I’d love to go on the Primland – Meadows of Dan, VA trip!
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I Follow Georgia’s adventures on Facebook.
I want to go on the Primland – Meadows of Dan, VA.
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The Couples Dove Hunting Weekend Adventure sound like a lot of fun! I’d choose that one.
The Primland–Meadows of Dan, VA getaway would be for me!
I have to write it – you look amazing girl!
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too cool
Barnsley Gardens in Georgia sounds wonderful to me.
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I follow you on Twitter. @mstephens66
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What fun, Marla! It would be amazing to be on a getaway with you both – what a complete adventure!
the girl hunter weekend.
I want to go on the Montana Sporting Club – Belt, MT {Rugged}
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