Image Daniel Schwen
To pair perfectly with those skies I would like some day to visit Switzerland. For the food, views and EVERYTHING! I want to see those mountains in every season. It would bring me great joy to see a cow wearing a Glocken or Treichlen (bell)If any of you guys knows the difference between those two words please share.
Images Breakaway Adventures Hazy Swiss Mountains White Wolf mountains
A year’s supply of Anthropologie Home & Kitchen goodies. They have awesome props for food styling! Photos via Anthropologie.
A year of high calorie sugary treats from Foodzie. With absolutely no impact on my hips & belly. Photos via Foodzie.
A Jessie Steele apron to suit every mood & I have lots of moods! Images via Jessie Steele website.
Aww, heck let’s toss in a Canon 24-70mm lens
Some paintings by MarcoArt & Roger Mason would be nice hanging on the wall!
Oh and a trophy home in Telluride. That’s all folks!
What’s on your wish list this year? Please share your Dream BIG ideas.
MarlaMeridith.com full disclosure: This wish list is chosen by Marla. These are her dream gift items. No one is planning on getting her this cool stuff-not even Santa. None of these vendors know anything about being chosen.
So I see you want to visit my country! I think the difference between the words is that Glocken are bells like church bells and Treichlen are cow bells… Maybe I’m wrong. Or there is no difference and it only depends on regional dialects.
Nice gift ideas! I want a lens and kitchenware!
Rosa: Yes, your beautiful country tops my most coveted vacation wishlist. Your photos always make me swoon. The bell thing- I guess I’ll refer to them both ways. How about simply “cow bell!”
Barbara: I did say dream wish list. I too could do with less clutter & more simplicity in my life. Perhaps if I clean up & organize my life better it will leave room for some of this stuff!
Alison: It was fun to go off “piste” and write about something other than just food for a change. I do like to mix it up a bit.
Valerie: Your wish list embraces the true meaning of holiday giving & spirit. How ever we can give to those throughout the year who are in need is a very joyful & wonderful thing. Down the road I am sure I will want those unlimited airline tickets to keep family within reach.
I will have to check our the Anthropologie for Kitchen on line – I thought it was only a clothing store! We don’t have it here, and I have never ventured in while travelling, for that reason – so thank you!
I am at a different phase in my life than you, Marla – but I was definitely there and would be all over this list 20 years ago!
Now, I want gifts of donations for our local Food Bank, and our local Boys and Girls Club. When I buy for the elderly (and I have lots of friends with parent birthday parties) I give a goat from oxpham. That is my favourite gift and we all laugh that I got a goat for an old goat…. but, really – they have everything.
I want SO much for my children. Free airfare for Lauren to come home as often as she would like. I miss her so! (She lives in Palo Alto) And I would wish for Vanja’s family in Bosna to win the lottery as they lost so much in the war. Too much.
And, dear Marla, I hope Santa does buy you all of the things on your list. I love Switzerland. It is every bit as wonderful as everyone says, and if you ski – get those incredible skis and get over there before you are too old to fly down those slopes.
HAPPY HAPPY weekend to you!
PS – There is a SUPER easy and SUPER healthy recipe I just posted that is right down your alley. (Home made paneer)
My plan for the holidays WAS to simplify, downsize, cut back on presents, cut down on money spent, etc., etc. But looking at your dream gift list has shown me my true colors: Ms Greedy! I want everything, literally everything, on your list!
OH! This wishing business is SO much FUN! Now you’ve got the wheels turning in my head….oh, the places it can go. You are right! We can dream, even if we know Santa’s list looks very different from our own. 😉 Thanks for a smile today.
Love all of your things above! I would be more than thrilled w/any of them! This is such a creative, fun post and nice change of pace from what everyone else is doing!
I love your list, it’s wonderful, and now I want everything on it! But I would also like a Canon Mark 5D, a 100mm lens, a 60mm lens, a 50 1.4 instead of 1.8, a wide angle lens, a trip to Italy, a baby girl and another boy, a house in the mountains with a big backyard, a quaint beach house in the Caymans, and for my husband to have the physical therapy clinic who wants so desperately, for him to be done already with school, and to be out of his contract with his evil employer. Oh, and also to magically lose 15 pounds, be able to run a 5k in 30 minutes and find 17.5 pound dumbbells, jumping to twenty is too much, and I’m in a 15 pound rut. Not much right?
What a gorgeous wish list. Now I want the same things except maybe anything to do with bacon. lol. Beautiful cheery feel good of a post even if some of the items are beyond reach unattainable. Happy Holidays!! Shulie
I want everything on your wishlist! I’m especially in love with Anthropolie kitchenware…I visit my local Anthropologie atleast once a week and shoot straight towards the kitchen stuff…I’m obsessed! Oh and I love those Aprons…thanks for the link! 🙂
I want that lens, too!!! (still saving!) 🙂 Here is my wish list! http://www.thenaptimechef.com/2010/11/the-naptime-chefs-foodie-holiday-gift-guide-2010/
Marla those skis are incredible. Why aren’t we rich? We have such good taste! What a waste. Dream big my friend. I know one day all these riches and more shall be yours. You deserve it. Xo
Oh wow, what a fabulous list, it makes my list look teeny tiny 🙂 . You’ve given me some ideas on how to beef up my list, thank you 😀 (though not sure how happy Mr P will be LOL).
*Kisses* HH
Cute ideas! I lived in Delemont, Switzerland last summer for 2 months and am moving there again this March for six months!! If you ever get a chance to visit I’d be happy to suggest places to go and stay. Switzerland is small, and easy to see in two months so I have come quite familiar with most of the country 🙂
Katrina: Thanks! You are so lucky to get to spend so much time in Switzerland. Is it for work? I’ll let you know if my dream ever comes true!
Heavenly Housewife: I can only imagine your list for Santa girl! Trust me, my hubs laughed at mine. He concurred that they are nice wishes.
Angie: We are rich, just in other ways my friend. I count my blessings everyday 🙂
Kelsey: I love your list & seeing it inspired mine.
Sara: I would much rather buy props at Anthropologie these days then anything else. It is also great to pop in there often because they have such great sales.
Shulie: Yup, anything with bacon would be nice to add to the list! I purposely made things “beyond reach unattainable” because it is so FUN!!! Happy Holidays to you too.
Aren’t the Swiss Alps breathtakingly stunning? And Jessica Steele aprons are my favorite! They’re just so fun and whimsical. Love your wishlist, Marla!
My wish list isn’t a thing (although there are plenty of things I want!). My biggest wish? To live closer to family, but not too close. Close enough to be able to drop off kids once in a while, or hang out with my sister and niece, but not so close that my parents or parents-in-law would be dropping by at a moments notice.
There are tons of little things I want…a good running jacket, a garmin for mapping my runs and recording my mileage, a good tripod for my camera.
But I also wouldn’t scoff at one of those houses in Telluride!
Fooddreamer: I know the feeling. We would love to live closer to family for the same reasons. My folks are visiting from NY right now & my kids are bottling up precious time with them.
Faith: Think I need to team up with Jessie Steele & run a giveaway. Yes??!!
wow girl that is a very big wish list! santa has his work cut out…
Happy Holidays,
Looks like a mighty fine wish list to me, great choices!
I would love an unlimited shopping spree at Anthropologie. So much cute stuff!
I adore Antropologhie, it’s one of my favourite web site for shopping. But I see I can discover even better stuff thanks to your post. Thank you!
honestly? i want 3 weeks home alone with The Professor – sleep late, stay in our jammies, watch the snow fall, a couple of hikes, read a good book, listen to some great music and just simply ‘be’; life has been much too hectic these days! (((hugs)))
Wow, what a great list. I always love to do vision boards or visually, show what I want for now or the future.
Your list is so delightful. I want some more new kitchenware, flights to amazing places and also Foodzie is a great pick 🙂
I couldn’t get the link thingie to work right, but a cruise to some wonderful destination with fabulous food and beautiful scenery…I am so dreaming! SOme of your gift ideas aren’t so bad either! 😉
A trip to Greece is tops on my wish list. I may have to put shopping with Marla on the list too.
Love your list. An Italy trip would be on the top of my big dream list! That and a new house. My kitchen is way too small.
Megan: Sounds like we both have some pretty big things on our wish lists. Do ya think Santa could fit that new kitchen or house in his sleigh? hmmmm
That 24-70 lens is def on my list. As well as the Mark 2.
Sigh. When I’m a millionaire, or at least a thousandaire.
I like your style ; )