
Japanese Chicken Curry

Delicious Japanese Chicken Curry recipe, the most authentic you will get unless you take a trip to Japan! ( @marlameridith )

My daughter is completely OBSESSED with Anime. In the same way that I can’t get enough romantic travel films in my life…she is always tuned into Japanese animation. One night recently she begged me to make her Japanese curry, just like the ones she sees in her videos. I did some research and found that most versions of this have an MSG filled spice pack in the ingredient list. We went the all natural route and our homemade roux and curry couldn’t have tasted better! Now we just need to travel to Japan some day to try the real deal. This is as close as we are going to get for now.

The great news is she loved my version of Japanese Chicken Curry and it’s something i’ll be sure to make over and over again. While she ate it she watched her favorite anime video, to help bring the experience to life!

Delicious Japanese Chicken Curry recipe, the most authentic you will get unless you take a trip to Japan! ( @marlameridith )


Delicious Japanese Chicken Curry recipe, the most authentic you will get unless you take a trip to Japan! ( @marlameridith )

~ Marla Meridith

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