
Scrambled Egg Arepas

I love to travel the world through food…I usually plan my trips according to the flavors and ingredients of a region. I’ve never been to South America, but it’s highlighted on my haute list. Arepas are popular in Columbia and Venezuela. These cornmeal breads are basic and loved by all who come across them. Thankfully they are a huge hit in my house too. Arepas are made of white cornmeal, water and salt. You form the dough into a patty then it can be, grilled, baked or fried then split open and stuffed with a variety of ingredients like a sandwich. My Scrambled Egg Arepas are nothing short of fabulous!


Scrambled Egg Arepa, a South American recipe you need to try!


In this recipe we fry the arepa, make a pocket, drizzle in some egg and fry again. If you prefer to make a scrambled egg sandwich, then that is great too! Once you try this basic recipe for arepas, feel free to experiment with your own.


Click HERE for recipe details.


Scrambled Egg Arepa, a South American recipe you need to try!


~ Marla Meridith

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