Summer Pasta Salad with Veggies, Egg & Smoked Salmon


During these long summer months we LOVE all kinds of pasta salads. This Spring Pasta Salad with Veggies, Egg & Smoked Salmon is nourishing and completely delicious! Use any fresh seasonal produce you can find. Do you have a garden? If so you are very lucky! All you need to do is head outdoors & it’s yours for the picking.

No garden? No worries, markets are bursting this time of year with gorgeous produce! Gather up your favorites, adding as much healthy colors of the rainbow as you can.


Summer Pasta Salad with Veggies, Egg & Smoked Salmon. Your entire family will LOVE this heathy #recipe ( @marlameridith )


Here’s a Facebook Live demo I posted of this recipe while in Australia this past May. OMG was that a fun trip!


For Recipe Details Click Here


More Pasta Salad Recipes you Must Check Out!!

Summer Pasta Salad with Veggies, Egg & Smoked Salmon. Your entire family will LOVE this heathy #recipe ( @marlameridith )




~ Marla Meridith

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6 thoughts on “Summer Pasta Salad with Veggies, Egg & Smoked Salmon

  1. Thanks so much for sharing our Southwestern Chicken Ramen Salad! This recipe sounds delicious, and I love your FB Live video! A trip to Australia would be such a dream!